Thursday 7 January 2016

Bravado Essential Nursing Tank Review

Back in June I was sent Bravado's The Essential Nursing Tank in black. It makes a huge claim considering it is jersey fabric and not underwired. It claims to beautifully support up to a G cup. Well I was FF before pregnancy, and gawd only knows how big these babies are now, so I am the perfect candidate to put this product truly through its paces.

I ended up getting lots of other advantages and benefits from wearing it too. So much so that it is always either on me, or drying, ready to be worn once again.

Here's me wearing it today (photos courtesy of my Midwife given that Aaron is at school and the hubby is at work. I don't own a tripod).
I was 37 weeks yesterday but saw my midwife this morning. I'd already seen a consultant on the day I turned 36 weeks anyway (30th December). That was to discuss the imminent C Section.

So as I am short on the ground with bump snaps, my gorgeous midwife obliged this morning and was way easier to direct than when hubby is taking a bump shot (I just don't ask anymore LOL).

Oh and the reason my bump is not as sticky outy in the above pics is because the head is down and baby is good to go - my bump has dropped hugely! I know because my belly button is way lower than it used to be whereas it used to be on the outward trajectory of my bump.... yep, really on the home straight now yikes!

Feautures and Benefits of the Essential Nursing Tank vest
As you can see above, the vest goes RIGHT to the bottom of my bump, which is no mean feat as although I am 37 weeks, my bump is measuring 40 weeks!!!!

I have pulled the elastic of my maternity jeans down, above, to showcase the vest, but when they are both covering my tummy, with jumper down on top, both my kidneys AND my bump are lovely and snug in this current cold snap.

The outer layer of the vest has a lovely ruched butterfly effect with stitching at the cleavage and below this is a seam which neatly slots in under the breast. This is perfect for wearing under jersery style maternity clothes when you want to get that seamless skintight Mama bump on display look. I was wearing it back here too:
Actually the above photo perfectly showcases just how long the vest is. It's providing me a layered look above and that's even though that grey top *is* a maternity top (from H&M), so that's another feature of the vest, it can make up the shortfall if you are wearing something skimpy. You don't want a draft on your kidneys or bump in the weather we are currently having - it's threatening to SNOW next week after all!!!!

When you lift the vest up, there is a "bra" attached underneath and it does bring the breast/chest together, meaning no overspill in the armpits AND also makes the chest snug and uplifted. It feels like controlled support without feeling tight. It's genius actually and completely surpassed my expectations. Whereas I can only wear a normal bra for about 4 hours at the moment I am comfortable to wear this all day. I do get that sense of relief when I take it off, but I literally have to be in it for 12-14 hours to feel that way, so it's the best thing to get you through the day, if you are working through pregnancy. There is an image of the "bra" here: The Essential Nursing Tank and it does allow you to zoom in to view in detail.

It has the proper "nursing" fasteners at the top to allow for nursing/breastfeeding but I am yet to use that option.
I will soon be doing a pregnancy video Vlog showcasing some products I am loving and this will definitely feature, so you will see moving images of me wearing it, where perhaps you can get a better view LOL!

Bye for now. If I have forgotten to mention anything please ask me in the comments or on Twitter via @NewMumOnline

Liska xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Disclosure: I was sent the nursing tank in exchange for an honest review and have not been told what to say - I remain completely honest and unbiased. GENUINELY love this product and it gets a huge thumbs up from me. It also relieves my worries as I wore underwired bras throughout most of my pregnancy with Aaron and was convinced they damaged my milk supply - may not be true but best to be comfortable and better to be safe than sorry.

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