Saturday 21 November 2009

Scan - had the scan! Yiiippppeee

Had scan Thursday.  Head is on left, with little hand up to face.  Probably protecting itself from the Ultrasound waves, poor bean.  S/he is 2 inches from head to rump.

Was very very exciting to see her wriggling around and get confirmation that she is there.

Husband was blown away, especially when she moved, and when the Sonographer pointed out the heartbeat.

Was very exciting.

They press very very hard though, which is difficult given that you have a full bladder.  Drinking 750 ml of water 1 hour before as a requirement for the scan.  But you can see that until they press deep, nothing is on the screen.

Oh great thing is, they confirmed my dates as right, so on Thursday I was 11 weeks and 3 days.

Bye for now, Liska xxx

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