Monday 20 December 2010

Ikea High Chair


Hubby got Aaron's high chair yesterday.  It's great, but he can't sit in there long without getting grumpy... but we'll wean him into it like we did with his bouncer chair, his jumperoo and his door bouncer.

Aaron is 6 months

Liska x


  1. Ah! The jumperoo was our godsend the first few months! Good luck with the high chair! :)

  2. What a beautiful smile!! Look at that!

    The ikea highchair is the very best there is. We were given a highchair worth a few hundred dollars that ended up driving me NUTS - it was impossible to clean with so party parts to it. I finally replaced it with the $30 ikea one and it is the best thing I ever bought. Have now bought 3 in 2 countries (long story).

  3. Thanks ladies.

    Same day I wrote this post, he settled in...
    Who needs those quilted ones that recline and have adjustable heights...

    somtimes SIMPLE IS BEST :-)

  4. I didn't fully know what you meant BUT, when I was in Ireland we tried several high chairs and they were all awful...

    I was so so so happy to get back and get Aaron into his Ikea one after 3 weeks away.

    I know it is cheap at £14.99 but it is fab! and we did not buy it because it was cheap...

    Oh the others ARE impossible to clean - they are disgusting in fact - YUK!!!


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