Thursday 17 March 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful 1, 2, 3


Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy From the Heart

Can't believe it is that time of the week again...
  1. Finally took Aaron swimming for the first time on Monday and we enjoyed it so so so much.  A big thank you to Gingerbread House for accompanying us.
  2. Had my Nurse appointment at the GP surgery yesterday, so my transfer to a new practice is confirmed.  This is such good news for me and for Aaron.
  3. And for reason 3 I have to say I am cheerful because it is St Patrick's Day - I am Irish after all.
  4. I don't normally do more than 3, but I am also cheerful that Aaron is learning something new everyday.  He seems to be on some sort of quest at the mo.  Starting to appreciate TV programmes, starting to crawl further and further distances.  Saying "mum mum" really often and knowing that those words mean ME. Been saying Da Da for weeks if not months, but doesn't really associate it with Daddy, at least not always.
Anyway, there's tumbleweed blowing through my blog at the moment.... don't know where everyone's gone.  My stats still say people are reading but my comments are really really thin on the ground and there are 2 posts I would have loved some blog love on (Two Boys and Teddy Time) as I have just learned how to use the i-movie function on my laptop :-) after a year or two of having it :-0

Liska xxxxxx

This is a blog hop so hop along using the below:


  1. Hope you had a pint of the black stuff to celebrate St Patrick's Day today ?!

  2. Happy belated st patricks day, I have still only taken R swimming a handful of times how very bad of me!

  3. isn't it fab when they start saying mama!! Fred just shouts 'Mum' at the top of his voice at me!! Love it!!! xxx

  4. I love visiting your blog at least weekly.
    I too celebrated being Irish with St Patrick's Day charity shopping and cooking.
    I find there is no real science to when and how you get comments. Just relax about it and they will come.
    Well done on teaching that vital life skill of swimming early.
    My reasons this week include cute pics at

  5. This is the best time to start your little one swimming. They enjoy it so much when they are little. Glad you had fun.

  6. Woo hoo, love taking JC swimming, it's great fun. I sometimes find that comments on the posts I write that aren't linked up are always less. I always like to have a wee nose around after I've commented though! x

  7. Hope St Patricks day was great for you. Mich x


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