Friday 30 August 2013

My Country Boy who Lives in the City

So, we have had a lot of #CountryKids moments of late.  It's about time I linked up again.  I've been crap the last couple of weeks (AND I had material - silly me).

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Anyhow here goes:

1) Yesterday Thursday 29th August, we went on a LONG country walk with my friend Sandra, and afterwards we went to the slides and swings, where Aaron made a new friend "Josh" who showed him how to cycle downhill.  He does this already, but this one was BIGGER and in Josh he found a patient coach!

None of us expected it to be as hot as it was. said it was 23, but it felt as hot as it did a few weeks ago when it was 30 degrees AND I got a tan.  I thought I had one already but now I look like I have been abroad.  I already thought it when I looked in the mirror this morning, but my friend Deepa came round today (Friday) and she confirmed it.

2) Tuesday 27th August, we just went on a walk to the shops, but my Country Kid ALWAYS has to stop at a park, this one being a bit of green by the road.

He always has to do some stunts on his bike and/or climbing:

Sit on a rock:

and do a bit of tree hugging:

And all in about 10 minutes LOL

3) The real beauty for #CountryKids though, is what we did Monday, this Bank Holiday Monday 26th August.  We spent the whole day at Willows Farm Village (and no, I did not get in free, alas)...

Here are 16 wee highlights, although I took 300 photos that day LOL!

There is a maze there made out of maize which as they say themselves is amaize-ing!

What really was amazing though, is that I am scared of any animal that moves, and yet Aaron hasn't picked up on this.  He was getting all of the animals to eat out of the palms of his hands, AND he even tried to do the same with that HUGE horse.  When it did not work he petted his nose, as above! Sorry but HOW brave is that!!!! He doesn't get it from me I can tell you.  A couple of weeks ago we did a tour of the trees in Hampstead Heath for the second time, and there is astrology based on trees (I think it dates back to Druids). Anyhow, Aaron's birthday makes him an OAK and he certainly has the solidness and strength of character of an oak.  It is apt as we named him Aaron, which means High Mountain.  He's one solid guy all round I think, my little man.

4) We've had a busy week, as on Sunday 25th August, after a trip to the cinema we spent the day in the park, which was also fun filled! Actually we went to two parks in a row, as the rain cleared up and it got really really hot.  In the second park, Aaron and his 2 cousins went down to their underwear in the sprinklers, but obviously I am not including those photos.

My little boy has had an amazing Summer.  No wonder he doesn't want to go to nursery on Tuesday.  He's dead against it everytime I mention it.  We'll cross that bridge when we get to it methinks.

Liska xx


  1. Wow! Looks like you have been busy squeezing every last bit of fun into our summer before nursery school starts back up. Great pictures! I want to try out the big round swing in the first collage of pics. Looks like fun.

  2. Wow what a busy time you've been having!

  3. You have been busy and took a lot of photos. How many hours is he going to nursery? Hope he enjoys it.

  4. Such a fun and busy looking week!
    A very brave boy, making the most of life from the looks of it! How do you find out what tree is linked to your birthday, I'd love to look up mine and the kids.

  5. Looks like you've had a lovely week! Lots of fun outdoors. Love the 'relaxing' photo and the tree hugging! #CountryKids

  6. Love all the comments on your photos, great idea 0 one I might nick! lol Mich x

  7. Wow lots of outdoor fun going on! It's lovely to hear that he is at ease with animals and is not frightened at all. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures of your outdoor adventures with Country Kids.


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