Sunday 4 August 2013

New Saturday Linky - Said It Saturday

Aaron keeps saying things that literally stop me in my tracks, either because of the advanced vocabulary used, or the advanced sentence structure, or the use of new words, or just because he is really forward or really funny.

When they happen I do not write them down, as the feeling I get is I'll NEVER forget he said THAT!

But then life takes over and I DO!!!!

No more!!!

I am setting up a Saturday Linky and this is one I promise I will stick to, unlike Mumentum, Inner Truth and T'You'sDay... LOL

So here it is, what do you think?

So a recap of the things I CAN remember from the last few days.

Friday, me and Deepa took our boys to the library.  They each sat on our knees whilst we each read them, separately, a story.  All was well.

Then she went to take a phone call and I watched them both.  All was still well.

Aaron went round the corner and we heard him say to "Y"... "be quiet... everyone is quiet in here".

I had a very very very proud Mummy moment, but you know the old saying = Pride before a fall....

I then took my eye off the ball and relaxed (something one can sadly never do as a Mum) and they wandered off (for seconds).  I went to retrieve them only to be faced with a GLARING Mum, who SAID:

"You should be supervising your son!"

I said "what's he done?"

The answer:

"He tried to take my son's scooter [it was Thomas!!!] and when he would not let him he [Aaron] hit him [her son]".

I picked up Aaron to bring him and "Y" back to where we were sitting.

Glaring said:

"Aren't you going to say sorry?"

Her son was not crying or upset and she'd spoken to me in a shrill disrespectful way, so as I turned on my heel I said

"No, because you did not speak to me in a civil way"

After I walked away, in a quiet library she was screaming at the top of her banshee voice:

"Like Mother like son! The mother is JUST like the son!"

What would you have done?????????????????????????????????????


And now for my SECOND #SaidItSaturday share:

On the same day, Friday, we were on the way home from walking Deepa home.  After a dash to the supermarket Aaron made me go to the park, as we walked passed it and would not take no for an answer.

Through the railings of the park he said the below, which melted my heart:

It resulted in them playing footie together for about 20 minutes.

They boy, at 5 years old, was going to give up on Aaron when he could see he did not understand "goals" but I explained he's only 3 and to bear with him.

Look what a good shot Aaron is :-)

Proud mum again :-)

Liska xxxx

1 comment:

  1. Aw cute. What little ones say are so sweet. will try and remember some of N's and join up...I'm terrible at forgetting almost immediately!


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