Monday 10 March 2014

Memories of Winter

This Winter will always be:

The one where you went EVERYWHERE on your balance bike.

The one where you understood Christmas, Santa and presents for the first time

The one where I saw everything through your eyes.

The Winter where we met the Gruffalo twice and read the book *nearly* everyday. The Winter where you proved that you can read it from cover to cover even though really, you cannot read (apart from individual letters and numbers, which you can read all of).

This Winter we've had lots and lots of quality time. You're my shadow. We talk lots, hence I don't require long phone calls with anyone anymore. My little boy is sometimes (sometimes!) all I need.

It's the Winter where you were craving to make a snow angel, but for the 1st time in 4-5 years it did not snow, at all! But then we are not out of the woods yet as last year it snowed in April.

This post is for #OneWeek over at Older Mum in a Muddle.

one week


  1. Hello lovely! Thank you so much for linking up :o).... and this is such a lovely post - I love that you enjoy your son's company so much! X

    1. Thank you. It is a great linky and this was the first thing I thought of when reflecting back over Winter x

  2. A wonderful reflection of your winter with your little man...though my goodness he has taken a stretch!

  3. Yes, I predict snow in April! I love this post, I feel the same about Dino boy - so lucky.

    1. really? Even though we had 18/21 degrees on Sunday (9th March) just now? xx

  4. Lovely post Liska. What wonderful moments to capture your winter - it is magical to see Christmas through their eyes. Precious moments x #oneweek

  5. Lovely memories! Next year will be my turn to enjoy winter with a 3 year old!


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