Wednesday 9 October 2013

Fine Dining with the Finest* of Them - TESCO

There is, after all, such a thing as a free lunch, and I consumed it today!

Every now and again, every once in a while, being a blogger (not a blagger) is great!

This isn't the main post as it is far too late to commence that NOW, but this is a teaser, to tell you I went here, today, and passed this:

Imax on a nice day - waterloo
The Imax
Kings College London
Boris Bikes - Waterloo
 and ended up here:

at which point I went in here:

35a Cornwall Road SE1

I walked passed these, and later discovered one of them had my name on it :-)

One of these maybe:

With a difference

I smiled at these:

 Smelled these:
 Talked to and kissed them:

And dined with all of them:

I spoke to Super Pasta Man for a long time and made a VIDEO:

And got to eat the pasta too:

I drank a cup of this, which tastes SO good NO sugar is required #bonus!

And I ate this cake which manages to be rich and light. HOW do they DO that?

I WILL write a proper post, once I have downloaded said video, but these are some teaser photos whilst you and I wait for that to happen and more importantly, while I turn my flat over looking for the data cable #doh.

Anyway, wouldn't you be happy too if you got one of THESE:

Tesco Finest Relaunch October 2013

Disclaimer: said lunch and said hamper were both free - oh yeah baby!!!

While you wait for me to write the proper all singing and dancing post, you can watch videos that explain what goes into Tesco finest* here


  1. Looks like you had a fantastic adventure! Looking forward to seeing the video.

  2. I wish I had been able to come too :( I missed a good lunch by the looks of things!

  3. Oh yeah baby indeed! What a great hamper. You jammy thing!

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Drop me a line, and I will visit you right back - as soon as I get chance. Thanks for your comment.