Sunday 27 October 2013

{The Ordinary Moments}

It's week 11 of Mummy Daddy Me's fabulous Ordinary Moments weekly linky.

This week our ordinary moment is definitely Aaron falling asleep on the sofa after watching Scooby-Doo Adventures The Mystery Map (a DVD we were sent to review).

This was how he looked while he was watching the DVD before he fell asleep LOL:

An ordinary day at home.  Well not quite, as normally he takes his shoes off as soon as he gets in the door but he was too excited to watch his new DVD.

I am so glad that Katie set up this linky, as I never used to value ordinary photos like this, but I now know it is these (more than the flash ones) that I will treasure in years to come as they give me an insight into my extra-ordinary little man :-)



  1. I love it when they just nod off wherever they happen to be, looks so peaceful and comfy x

  2. He looks wonderfully chilled out! Not quite sure what it says for the film mind!!

  3. Aww bless they are such angels when they sleep

  4. He is so gorgeous and I love that look of complete engrossment in the film. x


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